Program Summary
Disaster Profile
Hurricane Irma made Landfall in the Florida Keys on Sunday, September 10, 2017, as a Category 4 hurricane. Irma was labelled the most intense hurricane to strike in a decade, following Hurricane Katrina in 2005; it was also the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the open Atlantic basin, with peak winds of 185 mph. The storm continued battering the key’s until Monday morning, before moving up the west-coast of Florida. Irma caused widespread flooding , severe wind-damage, 10 ft storm surges and numerous tornadoes across the state, destroying many homes and businesses.
Our Work
Our team established that the majority of the damage happened in the direct strike area between Marathon Key and Key West; through our assessment process we determined that this would be our primary work area. The keys we primarily worked in were Cudjoe, Summerland, Big Pine, Ramrod and Sugarloaf. The need here was great and we received numerous calls for assistance through our direct hotline number, mainly for vegetative debris removal and mold sanitations. Numerous trees were downed and many homes and small businesses suffered severe storm-damage.
All Hands and Hearts worked tirelessly to help homeowners clear debris and cut trees away. Thanks to the dedication of our staff and volunteers, we were able to complete our scope of work and support homeowners on their road to recovery.
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