Mold Sanitation
Mold sanitation is the process of using chemicals and equipment such as moisture meters, dehumidifiers and fans to eradicate abnormal mold and mildew growth. This process dries the structure, controls humidity and reduces the moisture content of structural components, prior to repairing or rebuilding.
The mold sanitation process is often linked to the Mucking and Gutting process; after gutting all the mold damaged drywall, volunteers thoroughly scrub the surfaces in the house to remove mold and spray with chemicals that prevent re-growth. This process ensures dangerous, illness-causing mold is irradiated and creates a safe living environment.
Health and Safety
All Hands and Hearts make the safety of the people we work for, and that work with us, a priority. We employ a risk-based approach to health and safety, which studies the possible dangers of a workplace and seeks to minimize those dangers through controls, such as usage guidelines, training, supervision and the enforcement of appropriate protective equipment. Each of our worksites have specific operational standards and risk controls to reduce the likelihood of a hazard occurring and contingency plans to reduce the severity of a hazard if it does occur.
It’s volunteers like you who shine a bright light on communities affected by natural disaster.