Volunteer Profile: Nikki in the USVI
“Since 2005, I have had to deal with Katrina, Rita, Isaac, Gustav, Ike, Alison, Harvey.”
My name is Nikki Bannister. Born and raised in Detroit and moved to Louisiana in Middle School and made New Orleans my home later on. I’m a Navy Veteran. I was in the Navy for six years, seven months, and three days.
I am a consultant, making use of my journalism background to start an editorial consultancy. It’s a plus to work while volunteering since I’m now 2-3 hours ahead of my clients.
I would love to move here [to St. Thomas] since it reminds me a lot of home. I have a lot of friends here. My whole background from the military, to school, to journalism, has taken me all over the world and I have had the great opportunity of meeting a lot of people.
Since 2005, I have had to deal with Katrina, Rita, Isaac, Gustav, Ike, Alison, Harvey. Then, we have to count the ones before Katrina. Hurricanes don’t bother me. It would take more than a Cat 5 to deter me from moving here.
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- Patty in St. Thomas
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